OPENING SEQUENCE Flags & Magpies audio, Title, Warriors Graphic PROEM On ANZAC Day The Word ‘Remember” Is On Everyone’s Lips But What Is It To Remember To Re-Member ON RE-MEMBERING Studies of memory show that a remembered experience has hundreds if not thousands of parts. When I remember an experience it is constructed anew from the ground up, each time with a slightly different set of parts and in a slightly different order. Every memory I have is not only about a thing or event in the past but also about the way I choose to re-member in the present. Every experience I remember is re- membered. The way I remember is mostly shaped by what is going on around me at the time. Context shapes the way I re-member. Though I am rarely deliberate in the way I choose to remember, I can deliberate. I can shape, change and choose the context in which I re-member. Today’s ceremony is about deliberating on who and how we choose to remember. MCs INTRODUCE THEMSELVES (RW) Welcome everyone to...