This series was posted on Facebook in December 2022 1 “... IT WON’T CLOSE THE GAP ” The Uluru Statement from the Heart calls for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament as a means of improving policy development and service delivery to overcome historic disadvantage - in other words, to close the gap. The Nationals oppose The Voice because “… it won’t close the gap ”. This is business as usual - the latest instance of Whitefellas asserting that they know what’s best for Blackfellas. But what about Jacinta Yangapi Nampijinpa Price who opposes The Voice because “… it won’t close the gap ”? Shouldn’t she and those she speaks for be heard? Isn’t that what The Nationals are doing? BREAKING NEWS Non-indigenous Australians have to choose between contrary views within Indigenous Australia on The Voice. So, yes, what about JYNP? Is she “a majority of one” or “the exception that proves the rule”? See the next page for a consideration of those two terms. 2 UNDULY INFLUENTIAL,...